MTNA eFestival
MTNA’s new online eFestival provides professional feedback on piano performances, and you don’t have to leave home to participate!
The eFestival is ideal for:
Students getting ready for competitions or college auditions
Those preparing a solo recital
Teachers seeking constructive comments on their performance
Students who don’t have the opportunity to attend live competitions or festivals or just want more opportunities to perform
Hobbyists not studying with a teacher
Anyone with performance anxiety
Additional benefits of the MTNA eFestival, include:
No age limit.
No deadlines.
Submit when you are ready. It’s easy to start an application and add to it as your pieces are ready! Enter when you have up to 15 minutes of music uploaded.
Applicants may submit up to eight separate videos for each critique.
Performer’s identity, age and years of study are kept anonymous to the evaluator.
Click here for more information or to enter the MTNA eFestival.